How to pot up exceptionally large terracotta pots

A large terracotta pot can really make a statement in your garden, forming a focal point or centrepiece. Our largest pot, the Cilindro Grande, measures an impressive 100cm tall by 120cm wide and just as with any other large garden feature needs a little planning and preparation to look its best.

Large terracotta pot
how to pot up a tree

The first thing to think about is the location. Your pot will be extremely heavy when filled with soil, so if you need to move it in the future (for example, if you move house), then it is best to allow plenty of access to all sides.

Secondly, preparation is key. We always recommend the use of feet with our pots as they aid drainage and discourage pests such as woodlice. We are always pleased to give recommendations on feet for individual types of pot, so do ask when you place your order or give our advise on ‘How to choose the right feet for your pot‘ a read.

Purple flowers in pot

Our third tip is to choose your plants carefully. Just because the pot is huge does not mean that you need to plant a tree or shrub – low growing plants such as lavender can look stunning and are easy to maintain. If you do decide to plant something large – acers, olives and small fruit trees all look lovely – then remember it will need to be removed from the pot for maintenance periodically. Consider using a smaller, lightweight inner pot to make removal easier, or the geotextile pot liner we provide which will allow plants to be pulled out. Our article ‘What is ‘pot in a pot’ planting?’ can give you more direction to execute this, and do read our page ‘How to pot up’.

how to pot up large terracotta pots

Our final piece of advice for large terracotta pots is making the best use of decorative toppings. Particularly if you have chosen a tree or shrub, using a decorative topping will help to keep in moisture during drier months, and will discourage weed growth for easier maintenance. Large pots can have a expansive surface area on top, and the right topping will enhance your overall display for a stunning result. See our article ‘Decorative toppings for your pots’ for ideas and inspiration.

Overall, if you have chosen your position and planting scheme carefully, then your pot will give you many years of stress-free pleasure and continue to be a cherished feature of your garden.